Aleksander Wertyński sings Sergei Yesenin — Pismo k’damie (Letter to a Lady), 1929.
Aleksander WERTYŃSKI — Letter To a Lady. Muz. & tekst A. Wertyński (based on Sergey Yesenin’s farewell note), Odeon 1929 (Polish)
NOTE: This is one of the most beautiful Wertyński’s romances. Written by him as a tribute to Sergei Yesenin — one of the greatest Russian poets of the 20th Century — it had been inspired by a farewell note, left by Yesenin in his room in Hotel d’Angleterre in Leningrad (St. Petersburg) in Russia, after his suicidal death on the 25th December, 1925:
Da svidanya drug moj, da svidanya…
(Goodbye, my friend, goodbye
My love, you are in my heart.
It was preordained we should part
And be reunited by and by.
Goodbye: no handshake to endure.
Let’s have no sadness — furrowed brow.
There’s nothing new in dying now
Though living is no newer….)
(Sergei Aleksandrovich Yesenin)
Short life of that «golden boy» of the turbulent years of post-revolutionary Russia (then, oficially called the «Soviet Union») was full of alcohol, short romances and also as many as four (!!) marriages. However, his deepest — and also most painful experience was his short love affair followed by a marriage, with Isadora Duncan. Young, famous and shockingly handsome Russian poet met the aging American star during her tournee in Russia, in 1921. Next year, both of them — already a married couple — were travelling in Europe and in USA. However, the worldly life with Isadora — who was still the bright shining star of international artistic dance stages — only increased his depressive moods, which were intertwined with manic behaviors especially after overdosing alcohol. It was not rare when, after checking out, the artistic couple left their hotel apartment in a total mess, with piles of empty bottles, smashed mirrors etc.
Unable to continue any kind of established existence and urged by his nostalgy for Russia, in 1925 Yesenin was back in Moscow and, after having made one more marriage with a newly acquainted girl from the «upper society» (and — without having divorced Isadora!) he hanged himself on the Christmas Day in a hotel room, leaving only the note written — as some witnesses claim — with his own blood.