Museum of Sergei Yesenin in Tashkent
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Museum entrance hall
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The beginning of the excursion in the hall No.1 «SERGEI YESENININ TASHKENT».
Corner of Hall No.1 «YESENIN IN TASHKENT»
Fragment of the installation by V. Vyatkin and R. Gabdrakhimov «WALL OF MEMORIES» in Hall No.2
Corner of Hall No.3 » YESENIN AND US»
Reconstruction of V. Volpin’s apartment, where Yesenin first read the poem «PUGACHEV»
Fragment of the installation by R. Gabdrakhimov ASIA IN YESENIN`S «PUGACHEV»
Fragment of the exposition dedicated to Tamara Khanum — one of the founders of the museum
Yeseniniana of Museum
The last lifetime edition of Yesenin’s poems
Literary works of Yesenin’s daughter Tatyana
Lifetime editions of Yesenin, published before his arrival in Tashkent
A tour of the museum is conducted by B.A. Golender

See also:

Photosof Sergei Yesenin